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Sharp Wastes in Hospitals – Where Do They Go?

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Sharps waste is a category of medical waste composed of needles, broken glass, syringes, lancets, and any other medical paraphernalia that can pierce the skin. The contamination risk they bring and their ability to puncture the skin makes them one of the most harmful wastes found in healthcare.

They are usually disposed of by:

•    Placing them in rigid containers that are resistant to puncture
•    Tightly sealing the lid of the container. Masking tape can also help secure it.

They are then disposed of in a secured landfill. If a secured landfill isn’t available, then a sharps pit can also work.
Some waste companies can provide containers that are specifically meant for sharps waste. They are also often reusable by disinfecting them and returning them for use.

It’s important to not throw your sharps waste directly into the trash. There’s a huge chance of them puncturing the containers and placing workers collecting the trash and those at the landfill at risk of disease or injury. Flushing or directly burying them is also not advisable.
While incineration may also be another tempting option for disposing of waste, it’s better to stay with the more practical and environmentally friendly solutions.