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How to Dispose of Non-Biodegradable Medical Waste

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Non-biodegradable medical wastes are those wastes that can be decomposed through biological processes. Just like household items, non-biodegradable medical waste comprises plastic, wrappings, paper, and other man-made products.

Here is how to dispose of this type of waste;

1.    Recycle

Recycling is one way to dispose of non-biodegradable waste. Not only does recycling helps to save space in landfills but it also reduces global climate change. This method works best for plastic, paper, metal, or glass that cannot be reused or reduced. They are separated and recycled to manufacture new products.

It is advisable to be part of your community’s recycling program. Alternatively, you can take the recyclable non-biodegradable material to a collection facility that recycles products. If there is none around you, you can also take the waste to a retail drug store. Unpopular to the common opinion, you should never flush drugs in the toilet.

2.    Reuse

If you have something that can be used for more than one purpose, it is best to reuse them to reduce waste. For instance, you can reuse old clothes for other items in the house. Other things that can be reused include glass bottles and jars.

3.    Reduce

Reducing generally means reducing the amount of waste that is generated. This can be achieved by consuming more and disposing of less. This is especially helpful in lowering the generation of wastes that have harzadous effects.


These are just some of the ways that one can dispose of non-biodegradable medical waste. This way, it will be easier to manage medical waste to protect human life and the environment.