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How Does Medical Waste Sterilizer

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Any subset of waste produced by healthcare buildings must be handled with topmost care during disposal. In most cases, the waste is first heated at very high temperatures to eradicate existing microbial life forms. This process is called an autoclave.However, in this article, we will talk about a specific sterilization procedure, commonly referred to as sterilwave.What is Sterilwave?Unlike autoclave, sterilwave does not use steam to eradicate pathogens, making it 100% safe to use.Furthermore, it is an effective and easy procedure that completely turns medical waste into dry waste.

The end product is usually inert and thoroughly disinfected municipal waste.Waste Sterilization in Medical and Clinical FacilitiesSterilwave offers hospitals, clinics, laboratories, or any other healthcare facilities a simple solution for complete waste treatment before the final disposal. The only thing required is a source of power to sterilize up to 20kg/hr. f waste.This can be achieved through chemical or physical means with temperatures of about 250°F. As a result, any contaminated or biohazardous waste, both solid or liquid, is sterilized and later disposed of like any other household refuse.In addition, it contains zero emissions, making the process ideal for daily applications.