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How are Medical Wastes Segregated?

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If not managed correctly, medical wastes can spread different types of diseases and viruses. Not to mention that today, we are confronted with the reality of a pandemic. Scientists are still trying to find a cure to the Corona Virus Disease, and its origin is still undetermined. With that, our healthcare facilities should handle medical waste properly to prevent the spread of such infection.


In the hospital, medical waste is segregated depending on where the materials are used and what the materials are made. Generally speaking, there are four types of medical waste: Radioactive, Infectious, Hazardous, and General wastes.

Radioactive Medical Wastes


Radioactive wastes come from treatment and diagnostic procedures. Hospitals that are equipped with a nuclear medicine department are most likely to have radioactive wastes. Radioactive wastes may include contaminated medical equipment like an isotope or even the patient's clothes and the doctor during a procedure.



Infectious Medical Wastes


Infectious waste also comes in different forms like glass, cloth, metal, fabric, and paper. These are medical wastes that can cause harm to the environment and human and animal health. All needles, syringes, and scalpels used to treat a person with an infectious disease should be categorized as contagious waste because infectious microorganisms contaminate them.



Hazardous Medical Wastes


Hazardous wastes impose danger to humans, animals, and the environment, but they are not necessarily infectious. One of the most common examples of hazardous wastes is medical equipment that is no longer functional. Chemicals and expired medicines are also considered dangerous wastes.


General Medical Wastes


All waste that does not fall in the types mentioned above of medical waste falls into the general medical waste category. Most of the time, these are office and household wastes.




Medical wastes segregation is the key to proper medical waste disposal. Proper waste disposal is essential to make sure that waste does not impose danger to human health. Medical waste collectors will know how to properly dispose of these wastes, given that they are correctly segregated.