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How and When to Properly Dispose of Face Masks

Protecting yourself from getting infected may be addressed by a face mask, but without proper disposal and handling of the used material, you may even expose himself to dangerous levels of virus. Therefore, it is important for everyone to know how and when to properly dispose of face masks.

The How

Simply taking it off and throwing it in the trash won’t do for disposable face masks that have already been used for the day. First, prepare a small trash bag, preferably one that can be sealed entirely, like a zip lock bag. Next, carefully take off the mask from the face, paying attention to the edges.

The reason for taking precautions at this step is to prevent unnecessary contact with all the elements that have contaminated the mask since its exposure. Drop it into the bag and seal properly before disposal in the appropriate trash receptacle. Proceed to handwashing and sanitizing afterward.

The When

Disposable masks are composed of layers of filters designed to prevent dust, germs, and other micro-particles from accessing the nose and the mouth. One indication when a mask needs to be disposed of is when it becomes overly moist.

Moisture in a mask may be a result of the wearer’s own saliva and fluids or from outside factors. Either way, the disposable mask’s layers start weakening from moisture, rendering it ineffective. Disposable masks that remain fairly dry throughout the day may only be used for a maximum of eight hours for hygienic purposes.

Disposable masks are one of the most accessible and affordable devices available to us and can easily be purchased at the drugstore or ordered online. Almost anyone can use it and still go about their day without interruption. In order for anyone to get the most benefits out of them, knowing how and when to properly dispose of face masks is important.