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Can Medical Waste Spread Pollution?

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Our world's population has never declined as birth rates endlessly rise, resulting in a continuous increase in demand for health care services and medical supplies.

Likewise, the pressure medical professionals have been facing in providing people's health care needs and adequately disposing of medical wastes has been added over time

How can medical waste spread pollution?

Now, dumping and disposing of medical wastes has already been an issue. The number of people going in and out of medical centers is one of the causes why medical wastes took a toll on our environment. Different countries and communities have been affected by medical waste dumping issues.

For instance, people living near shorelines have reported a bunch of syringes being washed up on seashores. Subdivisions next to a hospital might be seeing incorrectly-disposed pieces of cotton and tissues near their sidewalks. Even though landfills are typical, pathogens can still contaminate drinking water, fresh air, and other health supplies.

Improper waste disposal does affect not only our environment but also the people around us. For example, used needles in hospitals are accidentally sent to facilities that recycle non-biodegradable materials.

People who work in these facilities might accidentally prick themselves with these needles while carrying some garbage bags. Used needles may transmit severe illnesses like hepatitis and HIV.

Did authorities act on this?

The US Environmental Protection Agency has acknowledged these issues. They are also recognizing the fact that waste and public workers are facing high risks than others.

They can potentially catch illnesses caused by medical waste pathogens as they are always exposed to these environments.

In response to this, authorities are giving their best efforts to implement waste management practices to ensure safety, especially for people working in or near dump sites and recycling facilities. Implementations specifically include proper handling, collecting, transporting, disposing of, storing, and treating waste.