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Preventing HAIs

HAIs are Healthcare Associated Infections. They are infections that a patient acquires within 48 hours of visiting a healthcare facility. When patients enter your hospital or clinic, they can reasonably expect to leave in an improved or cured state. They should not leave with an infection acquired at your facility.

HAIs are dangerous and sometimes deadly and are caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses and other pathogens. They may enter the patient’s body via an intravenous line, a urinary catheter, a ventilator and more. The danger is especially high for patients with lowered immune functions and for those who stay in the hospital for prolonged periods of time.

To prevent such infections, it’s vital that all healthcare staff follow the correct hygiene protocols. This includes handwashing between patients, the use of disinfecting sprays, the wearing of gloves and the sterilization of instruments and devices.

It is vital that disinfectants are used and diluted correctly and that they are changed regularly to prevent the pathogens from becoming resistant to them.

Regular staff training and updates will go a long way to protecting healthcare workers and their patients from infections that were not part of their original diagnosis.

It also includes following the correct procedures for medical waste collection, storage and disposal. Medical waste needs to be separated from other waste and stored in the correct containers for collection. This will result in a cleaner healthcare facility environment. Contact us at MET for all your medical waste management, treatment and disposal needs.