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With years of experience in the field, we understand the complexities of hazardous waste disposal. We are equipped to handle a wide range of hazardous materials, including chemicals, solvents, biomedical waste, and more. Our team consists of trained professionals who adhere to stringent safety protocols and industry best practices.

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Dermatology Waste Removal

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  • Dermatology

    Dermatology Waste Disposal

    MET is a fully licensed, certified, and insured medical waste, treatment, and disposal company. We offer our waste disposal services across California, Nevada, and Arizona.

    Dermatology practices should follow the federal, state, and local regulations regarding the safe and environmentally sound management of medical waste. Misclassification of biohazard waste poses environmental and economic disadvantages for health systems. Dermatology procedures contribute to medical waste and practices may lack proper education on waste classification, disposal, and recycling. MET can make training fast and convenient with our online compliance training program to keep practices in compliance. Contact MET for more information.

    Types of Medical Waste in Dermatology:
    • Sharps Waste: Needles, syringes, and lancets used for injections, biopsies, or other treatments.
    • Biohazardous Waste: Blood-soaked gauze, wound dressings, PPE, or other materials contaminated with bodily fluids.
    • Pathological Waste: Skin samples or other tissues from biopsies or excisions.
    • Pharmaceutical Waste: Expired or unused medications, especially those requiring RCRA (hazardous waste) classification.

    Pickup Schedule:
    • Small Quantity Generators (SQG):Practices producing less than 200 pounds of medical waste per month can schedule pickups less frequently, such as monthly or quarterly.
    • Large Quantity Generators (LQG):Practices producing more than 200 pounds per month need more frequent pickups, such as weekly or bi-weekly.
    • Pathological Waste: Requires disposal more frequently (e.g., within 24-48 hours) if not refrigerated.

    On-Site Waste Management:
    • Sharps Containers: Use FDA-approved containers for sharps disposal.
    • Refrigeration: Store pathological waste at or below 32°F if disposal cannot occur within the specified timelines.

    • Separate biohazardous waste from other waste streams like regular trash or recycling.

    • Maintain tracking documents for medical waste pickups by licensed haulers.
    • Retain records for 3 years for regulatory inspection.

    Local Regulations:
    • Dermatology practices should check with their county environmental health department for additional requirements, as stricter rules may apply for biohazardous or pathological waste.

    Licensed Haulers:
    • Licensed medical waste haulers (e.g., MET-Bio, Stericycle, Daniels Health) must be used for regular disposal.
    • Self-hauling is permissible under specific conditions with a Limited Quantity Hauling Exemption (LQHE).

    Compliance with OSHA and DOT:
    • Dermatology practices must follow federal and state safety regulations for handling, transporting, and disposing of medical waste.

Compliance Certified