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The Best Place to Dispose of Sharp Medical Waste

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If you have a specified container for your sharp items, you're already on your way to disposing of your medical waste responsibly. The next step is to learn about other options for safely disposing of your medical waste, including drop boxes and supervised collection sites.

Drop Boxes

Drop boxes are great for people who are worried about the environment, or who just don't have time to take their waste to a collection site. The boxes are intended for small amounts of sharp waste like needles and cotton swabs. They're typically placed in public places such as public buildings, schools, and libraries.Your doctor's office or hospital Your doctor's office or hospital is the best place to dispose of your sharp medical waste.

These facilities are equipped with the appropriate equipment to safely dispose of your sharps and have trained staff who are able to properly dispose of them.Supervised collection sites The most appropriate option for the disposal of sharp medical waste is supervised collection sites such as health departments or pharmacies. These sites accept sharps specifically designed for safe disposal in certain containers that are specifically designed for this purpose.

The container must be labeled with “sharp container” or “sharps container” so that it can be identified as such at the collection site.A licensed collectorIf you don't have access to a doctor's office or hospital facility, then consider hiring a licensed collector who specializes in disposing of sharps and medical waste in your area. They'll take care of everything from pickup to disposal, so you don't have to worry about anything unless you want it done.Final thoughtsIf you're throwing away unused syringes, needles, and other sharp medical waste in your home trash can, you should reconsider the above options. After usage, proper disposal of these items is critical to the safety of everyone and the environment.