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The Role of Medtech for Environmentally-Friendly Services

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In the face of warming temperatures, healthcare organizations across the planet are working hard to minimize their ecological footprints. Medical waste oversight has led to an environmental and public safety crisis. Luckily, medtech solutions provide sustainable and safer disposal of waste.

Innovative methods for minimizing medical waste generation could be the answer. Conversely, scientists in the field have argued that countries need straightforward, inexpensive solutions for waste management along with adjustments in policy to mitigate environmental harm and protect lives effectively.

The Use of Medtech in Healthcare Facilities

For a long time, medical facilities in most countries did not perform well in managing their waste. Today, the task is much bigger. We can easily find hospital bins overflowing with disposable face masks as well as personal safety gear. For this reason, companies are starting to use medtech to tackle these issues.

In the U.S., for example, OnSite has come up with a proactive solution to sharps waste. It created a device that can heat and reduce more than 150 used syringes in less than a couple of hours to produce a non-hazardous plastic brick. This helps decrease sharp waste in volume by 80%.

German company DiaMonTech, on the other hand, has developed medical technology to help lower waste linked to the treatment of diabetes. It has developed a non-invasive tracking device that projects infrared rays into a patient's skin to identify glucose molecules, which is less detrimental than pricking a tiny amount of blood on a single-use paper strip.