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How to Throw Away Expired Medicine

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Proper disposal of expired medicine is an essential part of keeping the environment and our homes clean and safe. Expired medicines can be life-threatening, especially if they are ingested by human beings. This article discusses the proper methods of discarding expired medication.

1. Do Not Flush

Most people usually flush medication in their toilets. Unbeknownst to them, it is not recommended because this medicine can find its way to water supplies and contaminate them. Contaminated water can cause a threat to human beings and aquatic life.

2. Follow Guidelines

The local community usually has a set of guidelines that guide on proper disposal of expired medicine. Some may have events or special programs that will allow the public to bring expired medication for safe disposal.

3. Use a Medication Take-Back Program

When buying medicine from a hospital or a pharmacy, you can ask them if they have a take-back program. This program allows you to take back unused or expired medication for safe disposal.

4. Remove Personal Information

Before throwing expired medicine away, you should remove all the personal information such as names and other important details on the label. This will be a great step in protecting the privacy of the person who was using them.

5. Choose Eco-Friendly Options

You can use eco-friendly options such as a drug deactivation pouch. This pouch breaks down the medication and makes it inert and safe to throw in the trash.

Final words

There are various safe and convenient ways of disposing of expired medication. By following the above guidelines, you can help keep your community safe from toxic substances.