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Biggest Trends in Global Medical Waste Management

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The trends witnessed in medical waste management globally are meant to improve the way waste is handled, which translates to overall public safety and environmental sustainability. The field is constantly evolving and here are some of the biggest trends in 2023.

Minimization of Waste

Waste minimization focuses on reducing the overall waste generated from healthcare facilities. The strategies employed in this trend involve reduced packaging, reusable items, and just-in-time inventory systems that ensure that supplies are orderly.

Reusable items include durable and high-quality medical equipment. In addition, training programs are employed to ensure that the staff is knowledgeable in waste reduction.

Sustainable practices

Sustainable practices have been introduced to prioritize environmental responsibility and minimize environmental impact. For instance, waste segregation ensures that waste is correctly identified and handled. Waste-to-energy technologies have also been employed in managing waste to control incineration and produce energy in an environmentally friendly manner.

Other methods involve treating infectious waste using autoclaves. This method ensures that waste is treated before it is disposed to landfill. As such, pathogens are neutralized and harm to the public and environment is minimized.

Technology integration

RFID and barcode tracking systems have been utilized in medical waste management to facilitate the tracking of waste and the labeling of waste containers. In addition, scheduled waste pick-ups and data analytics have helped in monitoring waste systems.


As the world keeps on evolving more is expected in the field of medical waste management with a priority being harm reduction and cost minimization.